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- Land:
- United States 2016, 80 min, ab 16
- Genres:
- Adventure, Drama
- Regie:
- Justin Tipping
- Drehbuch:
- Joshua Beirne-Golden, Justin Tipping
- Darsteller:
- Jahking Guillory, Christopher Meyer, Christopher Jordan Wallace, Kyndall, Just N. Time, Rodney Collins, Joe Njoku-Obi, Mistah F.A.B., Zinnia Vilce, Lamont Johnson
- Wertungen:
- 6.4 6.5
Brandon is a 15 year old whose dream is a pair of fresh Air Jordans. Soon after he gets his hands on them, they're stolen by a local hood, causing Brandon and his two friends to go on a dangerous mission through Oakland to retrieve them. - Anonymous weiter auf imdb.com
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