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Wir Geiseln der SS
- Land:
- Germany 2015, 90 min
- Genres:
- Documentary
- Regie:
- Christian Frey, Carsten Gutschmidt
- Darsteller:
- Henriette Schmidt, Uwe Bohm, Tim Bergmann, Marc Benjamin, Gerhard Wittmann, Tomas Spencer, Isabelle Barth, Torsten Lennie Münchow, Xenia Benevolenskaya, Caroline Heberling
- Wertungen:
- 7.1 4.5
In April 1945, 139 special prisoners were transported by the SS into the Alps to be used as bargaining chips in negotiations with the Allies. During the journey, they experience six days of fear, their fates in the hands of increasingly nervous criminals until the hostages turn the tables with a clever ploy. weiter auf imdb.com
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