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The Comey Rule: Größer als das Amt
- Land:
- United States 2020, 105 min, ab 12
- Genres:
- Drama
- Regie:
- Billy Ray
- Drehbuch:
- Billy Ray
- Darsteller:
- Jeff Daniels, Holly Hunter, Michael Kelly, Jennifer Ehle, Scoot McNairy, Jonathan Banks, Oona Chaplin, Amy Seimetz, Steven Pasquale, Brendan Gleeson
- Wertungen:
- 7.5 6.5
Jeff Daniels and Brendan Gleeson star as former FBI Dir. James Comey and President Donald J. Trump in this limited series of the story of two powerful men, whose strikingly different ethics and loyalties put them on a collision course. - SHOWTIME weiter auf imdb.com
Trailer bei critic.de
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