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Nicht meine Schuld
- Land:
- France 2016, 103 min
- Genres:
- Drama, Thriller
- Regie:
- Sébastien Marnier
- Drehbuch:
- Sébastien Marnier
- Darsteller:
- Marina Foïs, Jérémie Elkaïm, Joséphine Japy, Benjamin Biolay, Jean-Luc Vincent, Véronique Ruggia, Jeanne Rosa, Mathilde Wambergue, Franck Beckmann, Alexandre Lhomme
- Wertungen:
- 6.4 6.9
Having been fired from her old job as a real estate agent, 40 years old Constance faces severe pecuniary issues : she cannot rent a flat anymore and she doesn't find another job in Paris. With no other option left, she decides to call her former boss, from the small agency in La Rochelle where she started her career : to her surprise, he tells her that he ... weiter auf imdb.com
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