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Der Mörder meiner Mutter
- Land:
- Germany 1999, 93 min
- Genres:
- Thriller
- Regie:
- Lars Kraume
- Drehbuch:
- Lars Kraume, Sherman Yellen
- Darsteller:
- Laura Tonke, Sebastian Koch, Leonard Lansink, Susanne Lothar, Anna Böttcher, Heidy Forster, Murat Yilmaz, Maxime Foerste, Patrick Veigel
- Wertungen:
- 5.4 4.1
At the age of six, Anne witnessed the murder of her parents. Twenty years later, the convicted perpetrator Marc Balthasar is released early for good conduct. Anne, now a popular children's book author, is greatly disturbed by this news. weiter auf imdb.com
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