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- Land:
- United States 1994, 119 min
- Genres:
- Biography, Comedy, Documentary
- Regie:
- Terry Zwigoff
- Darsteller:
- Robert Crumb, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Charles Crumb, Maxon Crumb, Robert Hughes, Martin Muller, Don Donahue, Dana Morgan, Trina Robbins, Spain Rodriguez
- Wertungen:
- 8.0 8.0
This movie chronicles the life and times of R. Crumb. Robert Crumb is the cartoonist/artist who drew Keep On Truckin', Fritz the Cat, and played a major pioneering role in the genesis of underground comix. Through interviews with his mother, two brothers, wife, and ex-girlfriends, as well as selections from his vast quantity of graphic art, we are treated ... weiter auf imdb.com
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