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- Land:
- Germany 2017, 88 min, ab 12
- Genres:
- Drama
- Regie:
- Aelrun Goette
- Drehbuch:
- Sven Halfar, Joyce Jacobs, Christian Schnalke
- Darsteller:
- Ivan Anderson, Aram Arami, Matthias Brenner, Jürgen Heinrich, Luise Heyer, Julia Jäger, Özgür Karadeniz, Ronald Kukulies, Caspar Langer, Carlo Ljubek
- Wertungen:
- 6.2 6.7
During a soccer game, young Hannes is hit in the head by a ball and falls into coma. He has suffered massive cerebral haemorrhages and the doctors declare him brain dead. His parents, Esther and her ex-husband Frank, face the most difficult decision ever: should they let Hannes go and have the life support devices turned off? - doobee weiter auf imdb.com
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